Thursday, April 12, 2007

Eye camp publicity and planning pangs.

As the days of the eye camp draws closer, so does the need to tie up the loose ends. There is a lot of intrest and exictment amongst the local population who want to attend this free eye camp.

Malviya and Saurabh are pulling together the needed medicine while we have purchased the trial set and and other equipment needed for the testing of the eyes. Malvika also managed to take time off from her hospital shedule in New Delhi for the two days.

We are relying on some basic publicity (banners) and a strong viral and word of mouth generated by students, their parents and villagers at large. The coverage is abot 10 villages in the vicinity of Kohra.

The camp is sheduled for half day on 14th and half day on 15th, however, we are not very sure as to how many people would we be able to address besides the 151 students. The plan is to try and do a screening with about 250 people.

Will keep everyone informed of the outcome soon.


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